Monday, June 15, 2009

Truly Southern: First Taste of Summer & School is OUT!!!

My first home grown tomato... and my first tomato sandwich! Probably to many people this may not sound very good. Believe me tomatoes from the grocery store do not make tomato sandwiches like a home grown tomato. In the south we can really grow the best tasting tomatoes! We even have Tomato Festivals!! Of course, this sandwich is only made with fresh bread, mayo, salt & pepper, and my first homegrown tomato. No BLT... just "T", tomatoes! You know even Queen Elizabeth is growning her own garden these days! Did I mention... if I don't get any more tomatoes from my very small garden, this tomato sandwich will have cost me about $75! But it was worth it! Nothing like your first summer tomato sandwich!

My summer officially starts today! We just finished another wonderful school year! Here we are at our End of the Year celebration program by throwing confetti all over the cafeteria and our traditional waving "Good bye" to our little ones as they leave for the summer!!!! I always wish (pray) for them to have a safe and happy summer as I see their happy faces leave us for the long summer days!

1 comment:

  1. I love tomato sandwiches! I made everyone at the beach eat them for lunch! ( they added some cheese....but mine was of course just tomatoes!)
